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Committee of Central Bank Governors in SADC
Page Content The creation of the Committee of Central Bank Governors in SADC (CCBG) was supported by the SADC Ministers responsible for national financial matters in July 1995 and approved by SADC Council at their meeting in August 1995. The main reason for establishment of this committee was the need for a specialised body in SADC to promote and achieve closer co‑operation among central banks within the Community. Central banks play a crucial role in particular in the promotion of financial and economic development, by way of pursuing policies that enhance financial and macroeconomic stability.
The CCBG consists of 16 Governors from the SADC central banks. The CCBG deals with the development of financial institutions and markets, co‑operation regarding international and regional financial relations, and monetary, investment and foreign exchange policies.
The Governor of the South African Reserve Bank is the Chairperson of the CCBG. The CCBG Secretariat is hosted by the South African Reserve Bank.
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